Open to work



Rulli Damara Putra

Bachelor of Information System
Indonesian Open University

About Me

I graduated from Indonesian Open University (Universitas Terbuka) of Sciences and Technology (FST) in 2023 with a degree in Information System. As a graduate of Information Systems, I have a burning passion for IT and web development roles. In the smart village project, I succeeded in applying OpenSID in village data management and implemented a smart office solution with NAS server, print server, and mikrotik for an effective and connected village office. I have a vision to not only become a competent Front-End Web Developer or IT Support but also to bring positive change in the industry as an innovative thinker and skilled implementer.

Tech stack

This blog is built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS using Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog. A few major over-engineering-changes from the original repo:

  • Add a certification page

See my repository for this blog.